segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011

There's so much beauty in the world

"Wake up, sleepy-head, we're having a picnic. I'm already dressed up, I have a basket and a towel. Get ready, I'm coming over!"

This is not about time. And it's not about me. It's about you. You're taking the world out of its senses. I'm falling through a small earthly whole.
People don't like to hear things like this. They are afraid of everything that's beautiful. They reject everything that's fragile. The possibility of fragility scares them.
But two things: You're not like other people. And I'm protected by transitoriness.

These words are directed to nobody (but you).

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Wake up, sleepy-head. Put on some clothes, shake up your bed. What are we coming to? No room for me, no fun for you. Oh, you pretty thing.

Francis Espíndola disse...
